Displays Hoeffding D coefficients and bar chart. These coefficients range from -.5 to 1 with 1 indicating complete dependence. Select to remove Kendall's Tau-b correlations and bar chart from the window Displays Kendall Tau-b coefficients and bar chart. these coefficients are based on the number of concordant and discordant pairs of observations. Select to remove the Spearmans correlations and bar chart from the window Displays Spearman's Rho correlations, which are standard correlations computed on the ranks of the values instead of the values themselves Select to remove principal components tables from the window Displays a report summarizing the variation of the specified Y variables with principal components, eigenvalues, eigenvectors, and the option to do factor-analysis-style rotation of components Show a plot of the Mahalanobis distance of each point by the observation number, with options for jackknifing and to save distances as columns in the data table Select to remove the scatterplot matrix from the window Displays a scatterplot for each pair of response variables displays in a matrix arrangement. Optionally, there is a 95% bivariate normal density ellipse is imposed on each scatter plot. Select to remove the table of nonparametric measures of association from the window Shows measures of association: Spearman’s Rho (Spearman’s rank–order correlations) and Kendall’s tau–b statistics for each pair of variables. Select to remove the Pairwise Correlation table and graph from the window Displays table of pairwise product-moment correlations, counts, probabilites, and bar chart of the coefficients. These coefficients are computed using all values for a given pair of variables. Select to remove the partial correlation matrix from the window Displays the partial correlation table, which shows the partial correlations of each pair of variables after adjusting for all the other variables in the analysis. Select to removes the inverse correlation matrix from the window Displays the inverse correlation matrix. The diagonal elements (variance inflation factors) are a function of how closely the variable is a linear function of other variables. Select to remove the Correlation table from the window Displays table of Pearson product-moment correlations. These coefficients are computed only on pairs with no missing values for all variables. This column is either character or numeric you want treated as having unordered categories in analyses. You can change it to ordinal if its values are ordered categories, or interval if it is numeric. Choose Nominal if the column is either numeric or character and you want analyses to treat the values as unordered catagories. Numbers are treated as characters. This column is either a numeric or character column you want treated as ordered categories in analyses. You can change it to nominal, or If its data type is numeric, change it to continuous for other analyses Choose Ordinal if the column is either numeric or character and you want analyses to treat the values as ordered catagories. Numbers are treated as characters. This column is a numeric variable you want treated as continuous in analyses. You can change its modeling type to either ordinal or nominal for different kinds of analyses. Not a choice if there are character values in the column Choose Continuous if the column is numeric and you want to treat it as a continuous variable in analyses. The values in this column can be numbers only. Displays a dialog for doing inverse prediction; finds the value of X that produces the specified Y value, or probability of getting a specific Y value. If you have ClearAccess installed this command Launches ClearAccess If you have ClearAccess installed this command Launches ClearAccess and gives you the script editor. If you have ClearAccess installed this command Launches ClearAccess and runs a script Reads SAS Transport files directly and creates a JMP data table. Reads data in standard text format, with or without column headers, and with any line and end of file delimiters, and creates a JMP table Reads SAS Transport files directly and creates a JMP data table. Reads data in standard text format, with or without column headers, and with any line and end of file delimiters, and creates a JMP table Displays an interactive facility which you can use to find out how to do an analysis in JMP, how to generate special graphs and plots, how to manipulate data tables, how to use the calculator. Not active because there is no data to analyze The Ternary Plot plots points in triangular coordinates. A ternary plot requires three axis columns. Optionally, you can request a contour based on a response (Y) to be computed for the ternary points. Not active because there is no data to analyze Plots points in rectangular coordinates (Xs), and computes contours based on a response (Y) variable; options let you fill areas, specify contours, show and save triangulation, and others. Not active because there is no data to analyze Gives control (Shewhart) charts for variables, attributes, moving avg., cusum to help decide whether a process is in a state of statistical control and for monitoring a process by collecting real-time data. Not active because there is no data to analyze Gives a bar chart or series of charts for a process variable, Y, and up to 2 X classification variables; they are a statistical quality improvement tool to see relative frequency of problems in a process or operation. Not active because there is no data to analyze 3-D spinning plots, principal components, standardized principal components, 3-D biplots, rotated components. Not active because there is no data to analyze Gives an overlaid plot of a single X column and all numeric Ys specified, with options for needle, line and others. Not active because there is no data to analyze Plots one numeric Y by up to 2 X variables; assumes the data are summarized by the X values. The Y is the statistic to chart. The X(s) have discrete grouping values;